Maps and Driving Directions

Get quick access to maps, local traffic and driving directions directly from Quick Maps and Directions Internet Browser as well as convenient search provided by Yahoo!.

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  • Easy To Read Routes
  • Quick Maps And Directions is 100% free

Get Access to Maps and Driving Directions

Quick Maps and Directions offers quick access to popular maps providers, so you can easily get driving directions and find the fastest routes.

Avoid major accidents and road work on your way home from work. The quickest route can change in minutes, especially in major cities.

Not only are traffic alerts essential in the morning, but getting quick and accurate alternative driving directions are a must have. Whether you are going on a trip or just down the road, make sure your route is the quickest.

100% Free and Easy to Use

Planning a trip with the family? Search for driving directions to avoid traffic, tolls, and help you find the best eats on the way!
Hungry or need to take a rest? Get directions to the closest restaurants, rest stops, entertainment, and hotels. Quick Maps and Directions is 100% free!

Enjoy easy access to popular maps providers right from your browser’s bookmarks.
